Tuesday, October 31, 2023

How Cold Weather Affects Auto Body Damage

Snow, freezing rain, and super cold temperatures can harm your car. Cold weather can also make existing auto body damage worse.

When your car needs fixing in winter, don’t ignore it. Instead, give a call to the auto body repair experts.

Cold Weather and Auto Body Damage

Paint Damage Can Become Worse:

If your car needs a paint fix, make sure the shop can do the work in a warm place. In cold weather, fresh paint takes longer to dry and might crack or come off.

To be sure the paint is fully ready, the shop might need to keep your car a bit longer. To keep the new paint looking good, it’s best to park your car in a garage.

Dent Removal Can Harm Metal:

Cold weather can make metal more stiff, like paint, which makes it brittle and easier to break. If you push or pull cold metal to fix dents, it could make the damage worse.

Auto body experts in Knoxville TN often gently warm the metal to avoid cracking. But be careful not to overheat it, as that can cause new problems.

Wet Weather Can Lead to Rust:

People in Knoxville TN are used to cold, wet winters. High moisture levels in wet weather can make existing damage worse by causing rust.

If you don’t want the damage to get worse, get your car fixed right away. It’s also a good idea to wash your car regularly and keep it in a dry place.

Call Miller Brothers Transmission Auto Repair and Body Shop now if you’re looking for a reliable expert who can help fix your auto body damage.

Like our Facebook page for more information about auto services.

Miller Brothers Transmission Auto Repair and Body Shop
7123 Tazewell Pike
Corryton, TN 37721
(865) 689-5072

Serving Knoxville, TN and Knox County

Service areas include: All of Knox CountyCorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsPowell and Knoxville

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Auto Repair Tips: What to Do After an Accident Involving a Deer

No matter how carefully you drive, there might be times when you accidentally hit a deer with your car or truck. It can be a startling experience, and it can cause serious damage to your vehicle. In this situation, it’s important to know what to do to get your auto repair process on the right track.

Expert Auto Repair Tips

1. Ensure Safety for Everyone

Once the shock of the car accident in Knoxville TN has passed, try to move your vehicle to a safe place, like the side of the road. If your car can’t be moved and you can walk safely, step out of your vehicle and stay away from the road. Don’t touch the deer or try to help it. Even if it’s injured, a deer can be quite strong and may harm you accidentally.

Check on your passengers and see if the collision with the deer caused any other car accidents involving different vehicles. If it did, make sure to check on the other driver and their passengers too.

2. Contact the Authorities

Call the police and inform them about the deer accident and any injuries you might have. Give them your location details, or clear instructions on where to find you. If there are other vehicles involved, let the police know.

While waiting for the police to arrive, document the damage to your car and the scene. This includes taking photos of the deer if it’s still there. This information will be essential when you file an insurance claim. It’s crucial to stay at the scene, even if your car appears undamaged.

auto-repair-2-300x203.jpgLeaving the scene of a car accident, even if it doesn’t involve other vehicles or property, is against the law in many places. Moreover, hidden damage to your vehicle might not be covered by your insurance if you leave the scene.

3. Contact Your Insurance Provider

Once the police have given you the go-ahead, call your insurance company. Let them know you hit a deer and that your vehicle is damaged. Ask for the insurance adjuster’s name and inquire where you should send photos and evidence of the accident. Find out what your policy covers and whether you can be reimbursed for rental car expenses while your vehicle is being repaired.

Don’t delay calling your insurance company after the accident. Waiting can hurt your claim and leave your car unusable for longer.

4. Seek Professional Auto Repair

Your insurance company will likely ask you to get an estimate for auto repair from a professional. Even if your vehicle seems fine or has only minor damage, it’s not a good idea to drive it to the mechanic yourself. Instead, arrange for a tow truck to take your car to the repair shop.

The collision expert in Knoxville TN will assess the damage, including any hidden structural issues that you might not notice. It’s important to avoid trying to fix any body damage yourself, as this could complicate your insurance claim.

After hitting a deer, taking these steps can help ensure that your vehicle is repaired correctly and promptly. If you have any more questions, call Miller Brothers Transmission Auto Repair and Body Shop.

Like our Facebook page for more information about auto services.

Miller Brothers Transmission Auto Repair and Body Shop
7123 Tazewell Pike
Corryton, TN 37721
(865) 689-5072

Serving Knoxville, TN and Knox County

Service areas include: All of Knox CountyCorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsPowell and Knoxville

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Importance of Timely Auto Body Repairs On Your Car’s Value

For car owners, their vehicles are not just modes of transportation; they are valuable assets. Whether you plan to keep your car for years or intend to sell it in the future, maintaining its value is a worthwhile endeavor. Timely auto body repairs are a crucial aspect of this process, often overlooked but undeniably significant.

Why timely auto body repairs matter

Aesthetic Appeal

We all know that first impressions matter. When it comes to your car, its outward appearance plays a pivotal role in attracting potential buyers or simply making you feel proud of your vehicle. Promptly addressing dents, scratches, and paint chips enhances the visual appeal of your car. A car with a flawless exterior is more likely to garner attention and admiration, which can translate to a higher resale price.

Structural Integrity

While cosmetic imperfections may seem superficial, they can often signal underlying structural damage. Failing to address these issues promptly can lead to more extensive problems down the road. For example, a seemingly minor fender bender could result in alignment issues that affect your car’s handling and safety. By promptly repairing these issues, you not only maintain the visual appeal but also safeguard the structural integrity of your vehicle.

Preventing Rust and Corrosion

Paint serves as a protective barrier for your car’s body, shielding it from the elements. When paint chips or fades, the exposed metal becomes vulnerable to rust and corrosion. These issues can be costly to repair and significantly diminish your car’s value. Timely auto body repairs, including touch-ups and repainting, can prevent these problems, ensuring that your car’s exterior remains in excellent condition.

auto-body-repairs-2-300x200.jpgResponsible Ownership

Taking swift action when dealing with collision damage or cosmetic imperfections demonstrates that you are a responsible car owner. This commitment to proper maintenance can be reassuring to potential buyers, instilling confidence that the vehicle they are considering has been well cared for. Responsible ownership often translates to a higher perceived value.

Safety Considerations

In some cases, auto repairs go beyond aesthetics and structural integrity; they also impact safety. Damaged panels or components can compromise the safety features of your vehicle. By promptly addressing such issues, you ensure that your car remains safe to drive, reducing the risk of accidents or injuries.

Resale Value

Ultimately, the goal of maintaining your vehicle’s value is to secure a higher resale price when the time comes to sell or trade it in. Timely auto body repairs contribute significantly to achieving this goal. A well-maintained car with minimal signs of wear and tear is more likely to command a premium price in the used car market.

The importance of timely Knoxville auto body repairs extends far beyond mere aesthetics. These repairs are an investment in your car’s long-term value. They preserve the vehicle’s visual appeal, safeguard its structural integrity, prevent costly issues like rust, demonstrate responsible ownership, ensure safety, and ultimately maximize its resale value.

So, whether you plan to keep your car for years to come or have future sales in mind, don’t underestimate the impact of timely auto body repairs in Knoxville TN on your vehicle’s overall worth.

Call Miller Brothers Transmission Auto Repair and Body Shop now and we’ll handle all of your auto body repairs and maintenance needs.

Like our Facebook page for more information about auto services.

Miller Brothers Transmission Auto Repair and Body Shop
7123 Tazewell Pike
Corryton, TN 37721
(865) 689-5072

Serving Knoxville, TN and Knox County

Service areas include: All of Knox CountyCorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsPowell and Knoxville

Monday, October 23, 2023

Why Car Maintenance Matters

Looking after your car is keeping yourself safe on the road. When you skip car check-ups, it’s like forgetting to wear your seatbelt. Both can lead to big trouble.

Why car maintenance is essential

How Car Maintenance Prevents Accidents

Regular car maintenance is like giving your car a health check. It ensures everything is working well, especially important stuff like seat belts, steering wheel, brakes. This keeps you in control when unexpected things happen on the road. For example, working brakes help you stop in time to avoid accidents. When your car is in good shape, it’s like having a superhero sidekick to keep you safe.

Real Dangers of Neglect

Imagine if your brakes suddenly stopped working or your seat belts were too old to protect you in a crash. Scary, right? Well, these aren’t just stories; they can happen for real. Bad brakes mean longer stopping distances, and worn-out seat belts can’t do their job. This can lead to injuries or even worse. Taking care of your car isn’t just about your safety; it’s also about protecting others on the road.

Responsibility to Save Lives

Besides keeping your car healthy, it’s also your responsibility to keep everyone safe on the road. Regular maintenance helps prevent accidents, and that’s a big deal. By taking time for car check-ups, you’re not just looking out for yourself but also for the safety of everyone sharing the road with you.

Saving Money with Regular Care

Contrary to what some people think, taking care of your car doesn’t have to break the bank. In fact, it can save you a ton of money in the long run. Here’s why:

Clearing Up the Cost Myth

Some folks believe that car maintenance costs a fortune, so they skip it. But here’s the deal: regular maintenance costs way less than fixing major car issues. Skipping it might save a few bucks today, but it can lead to much bigger bills later.

Think of It Like Insurance

Imagine skipping oil changes until your engine gives up, and you’re stuck with a massive repair bill. Regular oil changes might seem like small expenses, but they protect your engine from costly damage. It’s like buying insurance for your car’s health. Small investments in regular maintenance prevent bigger problems and keep your wallet happy.

Keeping Repairs in Check

By taking care of your car, you’re catching problems early, before they become huge headaches. Think of it as a way to prevent a tiny leak from turning into a flood. Regular check-ups catch small issues before they balloon into expensive car repairs. Maintenance is like a financial safety net that stops you from falling into the pit of unexpected repair costs.

car-maintenance-2-300x200.jpgA Longer Life for Your Engine

Keeping your car in good shape means your engine will last longer. And that’s great news for your driving experience. Here’s why:

Your Engine’s Role

Your car’s engine is like its heart. It’s what makes your car go vroom! A well-maintained engine keeps your car running smoothly, helps it use less fuel, and cuts down on harmful emissions.

How Maintenance Helps

Regular maintenance is like giving your engine a spa day. Things like oil changes, filter replacements, and check-ups keep your engine happy. Fresh oil reduces wear and tear by reducing friction and heat. Clean filters keep your engine breathing easy, using clean air and fuel. And routine inspections spot potential issues early, so they don’t become big engine disasters.

Engine Longevity

Just as you take care of your health to live longer, regular maintenance helps your car’s engine live a longer and healthier life. Overheating, dirty oil, and built-up gunk can all lead to engine troubles. But with proper care, your engine stays strong and keeps your car on the road for years to come.

Boosting Resale Value

When you decide to sell your car in the future, you’ll be glad you took care of it. Well-maintained cars are like well-loved books; they’re more attractive to buyers. Here’s why:

What Buyers Look For

People shopping for used cars want ones that show they’ve been cared for. A car with a documented service history and proof of regular maintenance stands out. It tells buyers that the car is reliable and won’t surprise them with hidden issues. This boosts its resale value.

Buyers’ Confidence

Buyers feel better about cars that look like they’ve been taken care of. They’re willing to pay more for a car that seems reliable. A car with a history of regular maintenance tends to have fewer problems and lasts longer. So, investing in maintenance pays off with a higher resale value.

Financial Perks

Taking care of your car means you can ask for a higher selling price when it’s time to part ways. You’ll get back the money you spent on maintenance and more. Plus, a well-maintained car sells faster, saving you time and effort.

auto-body-repair-shop-2-300x200.jpgPrevention Is Key: The Magic of Preventive Maintenance

Regular maintenance is like a magical shield against car troubles. It’s like a superhero outfit that keeps you safe from breakdowns and expensive repairs. Here’s why preventive maintenance is so important:

Simple Tasks for Prevention

Preventing car troubles is a lot like staying healthy. You do simple things like eating well and getting exercise. Similarly, regular car check-ups, tire pressure checks, and oil changes are small tasks that add up to a trouble-free car. These small actions help catch issues before they become major problems.

Stopping Problems Before They

Preventive maintenance is like stopping a tiny leak before it turns into a giant flood. Regular check-ups identify small issues and fix them early. This keeps your car running smoothly and saves you from surprise breakdowns.

Being Kind to the Environment

If you drive a regular gas or diesel car, taking care of it can also help the environment. Proper car maintenance can reduce harmful emissions and protect our air and water. Here’s how:

Tackling Environmental Issues

Traditional cars release harmful gases and pollutants that pollute the air and water. By ensuring your car is in good shape and not leaking or burning oil, you’re helping the environment. Well-maintained cars produce fewer harmful emissions, which is better for the air we breathe and the water we use.

The Role of Maintenance

Regular maintenance tasks, like changing air filters and ensuring clean fuel combustion, make your car’s engine greener. A healthy engine uses fuel efficiently, resulting into fewer pollutants. Also, taking care of oil leaks and getting rid of used oil properly prevents soil and water pollution.

Personal Responsibility

Even though electric cars are cleaner, most cars still run on regular fuel. By taking care of your car, you’re doing your part to reduce pollution and protect the environment. It’s a way to be responsible for the planet’s health.

Safety, Savings, and Sustainability

Maintaining your car isn’t just about keeping it running well; it’s about keeping yourself safe, saving money, and helping the environment. Neglecting maintenance puts your safety at risk and can cost you more in the long run. By investing in regular auto maintenance in Knoxville TN, you’re making sure your car stays reliable for years to come.

Plus, maintaining your car helps it hold its value when you decide to sell it. Buyers love cars that have been cared for, and they’re willing to pay more for them. And by embracing preventive maintenance, you’re preventing small issues from turning into big, expensive problems.

So remember, taking care of your car isn’t just a chore; it’s a statement of care for yourself, other drivers, and our world. Whether you drive for fun or necessity, maintaining your car is a way to show you care about everyone’s safety, your finances, and the planet we call home.

Call Miller Brothers Transmission Auto Repair and Body Shop now and let our expert auto mechanics take care of your car.

Like our Facebook page for more information about auto services.

Miller Brothers Transmission Auto Repair and Body Shop
7123 Tazewell Pike
Corryton, TN 37721
(865) 689-5072

Serving Knoxville, TN and Knox County

Service areas include: All of Knox CountyCorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsPowell and Knoxville

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Do Car Safety Features Minimize Risk of Accidents?

As we enter the modern age of automotive technology, car safety features have taken significant leaps forward. From traditional safety components like seat belts and airbags to cutting-edge innovations such as forward collision warnings and automatic emergency braking. Today’s vehicles are equipped with a range of advanced safety technologies designed to protect drivers and passengers alike.

Studies and research have shown that these advanced safety technologies play a crucial role in reducing the occurrence of car accidents. Let’s delve into some of the prominent car safety features available in modern vehicles and understand how they contribute to safer roads and reduced car accidents in Knoxville TN.

Car Safety Features


Airbags are perhaps the most recognized and widely acknowledged Knoxville car safety feature in automobiles. These inflatable cushions have been a standard inclusion in vehicles since the early 1970s. Their effectiveness in reducing car accident-related fatalities is well-documented, with studies indicating a 34% reduction in such fatalities when airbags are deployed.

When combined with seat belts, this dynamic duo significantly enhances safety on the road, reducing car accident-related deaths by an impressive 61%. In recognition of their life-saving potential, the federal government mandated the installation of frontal airbags in all new car models starting in 1998, marking a pivotal moment in automotive safety.

Automatic Emergency Braking

Automatic emergency braking represents a monumental leap in accident prevention. This sophisticated safety feature relies on an array of sensors to monitor the vehicle’s surroundings continually.

When it detects an imminent collision and the driver fails to respond promptly, the system takes control, automatically applying the brakes. The impact of this feature on road safety is remarkable, with studies revealing a 13.22% reduction in car accident fatalities and a 9.07% decrease in injuries when this technology is actively engaged.

car-safety-2-300x199.jpgBlind Spot Detection

Blind spot detection is a feature that addresses a common and potentially dangerous driving scenario. Every vehicle has areas around it that the driver cannot see using standard mirrors, known as blind spots.

Blind spot detection employs sensors to identify vehicles occupying these blind spots and provides the driver with timely alerts. This proactive approach significantly reduces the likelihood of accidents caused by lane changes or merges into occupied adjacent lanes, enhancing overall safety.

Traction Control

For those residing in regions prone to adverse weather conditions like snow and ice, traction control emerges as a critical safety feature. Traction control systems are designed to bolster a vehicle’s stability and grip on slippery surfaces by preventing wheel slippage.

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), stability control, a broader category that includes traction control, can reduce the risk of all single-vehicle crashes by over 40%. This statistic underscores the importance of traction control, especially in inclement weather conditions.

What Does This Mean for You?

While the adoption of car safety features is undoubtedly a positive development, it is crucial to remember that they should complement, not replace, responsible driving practices. Safe driving habits, such as obeying traffic laws, maintaining a safe following distance, and staying alert behind the wheel, remain foundational to road safety.

The evolution of car safety features has ushered in a new era of automotive safety. When considering a vehicle, taking these car safety features into account is a wise decision. These advanced technologies are designed to assist drivers in reducing the risk of auto accidents and enhancing their safety on the road. However, safe and responsible driving continues to be the linchpin of accident prevention.

Call Miller Brothers Transmission Auto Repair and Body Shop now if you’re looking for a reliable auto repair shop that can help you with your car issues.

Like our Facebook page for more information about auto services.

Miller Brothers Transmission Auto Repair and Body Shop
7123 Tazewell Pike
Corryton, TN 37721
(865) 689-5072

Serving Knoxville, TN and Knox County

Service areas include: All of Knox CountyCorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsPowell and Knoxville

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

How Are Auto Body Repair Shops Becoming More Environmentally Friendly?

Many people want to help the environment by using eco-friendly methods and tools. Some places that fix cars are also starting to use more eco-friendly ways to do their work. Here are some eco-friendly things happening at car repair places.

Eco-Friendly Auto Body Repair Shop

Eco-Friendly Car Paints

In the past, auto repair shops used paints that had harmful chemicals in them. These chemicals are bad for people and can pollute our air and water. Nowadays, many repair shops use eco-friendly paints that are based on water instead of harmful chemicals.

Water-based paints still look good, meet factory standards, and protect cars well. Using eco-friendly paints also has other benefits:

  • It makes the air better for the workers and the environment.
  • It reduces the amount of harmful waste.
  • It’s cheaper because you don’t need extra chemicals.
  • The next time your car needs repairs, ask if they use eco-friendly paints.

Car Repair Places Are Recycling Parts

auto-body-repair-2-300x300.jpgWhen cars get into accidents, some parts need to be replaced, and the old ones are thrown away. A long time ago, these old parts would just go to the garbage and maybe harm the environment. Nowadays, car repair places send these old parts to recycling centers, including:

  • Metal parts like aluminum and steel
  • Plastic bumper covers
  • Batteries
  • Radiators
  • Tires and wheels
  • Glass
  • Paint and paint chemicals

These materials get recycled when possible and then used again by companies that make car parts and paints. This helps keep the Earth healthy.

Other Eco-Friendly Car Repair Ideas

Besides the things we talked about, car repair places are also doing other eco-friendly things to create less waste:

  • They use a technique called “paintless dent repair” to fix dents without replacing car parts.
  • They buy things like oil, cleaning stuff, and antifreeze in big containers instead of lots of small plastic bottles.
  • They use cleaners that can break down in the environment to clean up spills and floors.
  • They properly get rid of things that could be bad for the environment, like oil, air conditioner stuff, antifreeze, and chemicals.

All these ideas not only make Knoxville TN car repair shops safer and healthier for workers but also help protect the environment. As more people like these eco-friendly ways, car repair places are doing more of them.

We all want a cleaner and healthier environment for our families. Auto body repair shops in Knoxville TN are doing their part by using eco-friendly methods.

If you want an eco-friendly car repair place, give them Miller Brothers Transmission Auto Repair and Body Shop call. They’re helping the Earth, one green repair at a time.

Like our Facebook page for more information about auto services.

Miller Brothers Transmission Auto Repair and Body Shop
7123 Tazewell Pike
Corryton, TN 37721
(865) 689-5072

Serving Knoxville, TN and Knox County

Service areas include: All of Knox CountyCorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsPowell and Knoxville

Friday, October 13, 2023

A Simple Guide to Choosing the Right Auto Repair Shop

When your car needs repair or an upgrade, finding a dependable auto repair shop to get the job done is crucial. However, it can be a daunting task to select the right place, especially if you’re not well-versed in automotive matters.

Making this decision requires some time, effort, and thoughtful consideration, as your car represents a significant investment in your life. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you make an informed choice:

Find a Reliable Source

Begin your search for a reputable auto repair shop in Knoxville TN by seeking recommendations from trustworthy individuals. Reach out to your friends and family for their insights and experiences. Additionally, you can turn to the internet to read reviews and gather information about various repair shops. This initial step will help you compile a list of options.

Finding An Auto Repair Shop

Look for Skilled Mechanics

After identifying potential repair shops in Knoxville TN, it’s essential to assess the competence and professionalism of their mechanics. Inquire about their qualifications, years of experience, and technical skills.

auto-body-repair-shop-2-300x200.jpgIf a repair shop employs certified and well-trained mechanics, it’s a positive indicator of their ability to deliver top-notch service. Equally important is the demeanor of the staff; they should be courteous and accommodating in addressing your needs.

Ask the Right Questions

When faced with the prospect of car repairs, numerous questions may come to mind. Don’t hesitate to seek answers to these queries. Ask whether the shop offers a warranty, and if so, inquire about its duration and coverage.

Determine the repair costs for the specific issues your car is facing. Additionally, confirm that the shop adheres to safety standards and protocols. Asking these pertinent questions will provide you with the clarity needed to make an informed decision.

Compare Price Quotes

Even if you’re not well-versed in car repair costs, you can still perform a basic comparison online. This step will help you avoid overpaying for repairs or upgrades. Visit the websites of various repair shops, assess the services they offer, and compare their pricing structures.

However, remember that the lowest price may not necessarily equate to the best quality. Consider the type of service provided and estimate the cost accordingly. Striking a balance between affordability and quality is key.

In summary, take your time when selecting a car repair shop. While it may be tempting to opt for the cheapest option, remember that the quality of service matters significantly. By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can ensure that your car receives the care it deserves. If you’re in need of assistance from a reputable auto repair shop, don’t hesitate to reach out to them today. Your car’s well-being and your peace of mind are worth the effort.

Call Miller Brothers Transmission Auto Repair and Body Shop now if you are looking for a reliable auto repair shop that can handle your vehicle needs.

Like our Facebook page for more information about auto services.

Miller Brothers Transmission Auto Repair and Body Shop
7123 Tazewell Pike
Corryton, TN 37721
(865) 689-5072

Serving Knoxville, TN and Knox County

Service areas include: All of Knox CountyCorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsPowell and Knoxville

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

How Car Accidents Impact Your Car’s Value

Car accidents are universally disliked because they can really throw a wrench in your plans. But beyond the immediate concern of your safety, there’s more to think about, especially when it comes to how an accident can affect the value of your car.

Unfortunately, if your car has been in a significant accident, it can lead to a decrease in its resale or market value. However, understanding the ways in which accidents influence your car’s worth and taking appropriate steps like collision repair can help you minimize the financial impact.

Let’s delve deeper into the various aspects of how a car accident can influence the value of your vehicle.

Car Accidents Happen – It’s a Fact of Life

Accidents are an unfortunate part of life on the road. With millions of vehicles traversing the streets, accidents are bound to occur sooner or later. In fact, it’s quite rare to find a driver who hasn’t experienced a minor fender-bender at some point. Most prospective used car buyers understand that minor accidents are part of the driving experience. However, whether it’s a small scrape or a major collision, if you intend to sell a car that’s been involved in an accident, there are additional considerations to keep in mind.

Navigating Write-Offs

Following a severe accident, the future value of your car often hinges on the determination made by your insurance company. If they deem your vehicle unsafe to drive or uneconomical to repair, they may classify it as a “write-off.”

car-accident-2-300x200.jpgWhen this occurs, your ability to resell the car can be severely affected. In such situations, it’s often advisable to accept the insurance payout, which is typically based on the car’s agreed or market value.

Aside from insurance, there may be administrative procedures to navigate, such as handling a statutory write-off or a repairable write-off. A statutory write-off means your car is destined for the scrapyard, while a repairable write-off implies that your vehicle can be repaired but must meet specific standards before it can be legally back on the road.

For certain rare or valuable cars, you might find a buyer willing to purchase it in its current condition, even after a major accident. However, for most common vehicles with extensive damage, it’s usually more practical to acknowledge the situation and move forward.

Transparency Is Essential

When selling your car, it’s crucial to adhere to legal and ethical guidelines regarding disclosure. Misleading potential buyers about your car’s condition, especially its accident history, can lead to legal troubles. It’s imperative to be forthright about any accidents the car has been involved in. While a bit of creative advertising is acceptable (like calling it “the ideal car for a relaxing Sunday drive”), misrepresenting the car’s accident history is a practice to avoid.

Quality Repairs Make a Difference

For minor issues stemming from a fender-bender, such as a broken taillight, you might consider purchasing the necessary parts and making the repair yourself. However, for more substantial damage, it’s highly advisable to seek the services of a qualified auto repair shop in Knoxville TN.

Not only is this crucial for safety reasons, but it also provides documentation of the repair. Having a car repair history from a professional mechanic can serve as valuable protection in case the same issue arises again down the road.

Making Informed Decisions

If you find yourself needing to sell your car promptly after an accident, you may have to accept a lower selling price to expedite the process. However, if you’re contemplating an upgrade to a new car, it might be prudent to delay that decision and wait for some time before putting your current vehicle on the market.

Taking this approach allows you more time to evaluate your options and observe potential changes in the market. As cars age, their accident history becomes less significant, primarily because they have already experienced depreciation due to their age.

Although most cars tend to lose value over time, some models maintain their value remarkably well, while a select few even become sought-after classics that appreciate in value. Therefore, if you don’t achieve your desired selling price right away, patience and a long-term perspective can be key.

Call Miller Brothers Transmission Auto Repair and Body Shop now if you’re looking for a reliable auto shop that can help repair your vehicle after an accident.

Like our Facebook page for more information about auto services.

Miller Brothers Transmission Auto Repair and Body Shop
7123 Tazewell Pike
Corryton, TN 37721
(865) 689-5072

Serving Knoxville, TN and Knox County

Service areas include: All of Knox CountyCorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsPowell and Knoxville